Church Generosity
Greg comes alongside church leadership to design a custom plan to grow generosity thoughtfully and systematically. He brings years of experience and lessons learned “on the road” to each church with the goal of increasing the culture of generosity in the congregation.
Using the proprietary 5-Wave framework of Theology, Discipleship, Strategy, Communication and Implementation, Greg leads a small group of leaders at the church through a custom design process. The result is a plan that can be implemented immediately to create new ways of engaging the spiritual journey of growing people’s giving.
Churches can expect to increase giving (by 5-10% or more) as well as participation in giving (more giving households) in the 12 months of executing their newly designed Generosity Discipleship Plan. As the church increases capacity to manage the plan, features can be added that allow for more channels of funding over time.
How can leaders move a congregation from “meeting budgets” to “making disciples” when it comes to generosity in the church? What if people who follow Jesus were known as the most generous in their community? What will this take?In this super practical reference book, Gibbs outlines 5 Critical Waves for senior leadership of churches to consider on their way to developing a custom Generosity Discipleship Plan. Giving can be a topic either abused or ignored, but now churches will have a proactive plan to encourage open-handed living and positive impact for God’s kingdom.